08 Feb Reading Challenge 2020!
“My idea of perfect happiness? Reading.”
– David Bowie
One of my favourite new year’s traditions is creating my MUST read list for this year. These are books I need to get my hands on no matter what. Some of them are overdue from last season, while others are new releases from some of my favourite authors or new authors I am excited to discover. I share them with you in the hope that it inspires you to start your own reading challenge.
Because, as Mama Ru says, “Reading is what? Fundamental!”
I’m obsessed with Holly Bourne’s first adult novel How Do You Like Me Now, which I consider a perfect example of the new women’s fiction (AKA chick Lit). I hope that Pretending is as funny, clever, and engaging as its predecessor. Bummer that I’ll have to wait until April to find out.
OMG OMG OMG. A new Candace Bushnell novel? Yasss. If we don’t count her book Is There Still Sex in the City?, which is a collection of journal entries, Candance’s last novel was in 2015, when she published the polarizing Killing Monica. So it’s time, girl. For this new release, Bushnell joins forces with Katie Cotugno, the bestseller author of the 99 Days Series, to concoct Rules for Being a Girl. The YA genre is not an unfamiliar one for Candance, as she has shown in Summer in New York, one of my favourite books from her. I’m very excited to read what this collaboration brings.
The protagonists of Matthew Norman’s next novel are a couple who attempt to avoid ending up in a marriage like that of their friends’ (namely, one that ends in divorce). They agree to relax the terms of their own marriage by crossing a few lines, provoking some serious messy situations. The Last Couple Standing sounds like my kind of book.
The premise of The Authenticity Project (six strangers joined by a notebook where each of them tell their own story) gripped my attention, and the Sophie Kinsella recommendation (‘A clever, uplifting book’) seals the deal for this novel by Clare Pooley. I need to read this.
OK, I give up. I want to know what’s the buzz around Such a Fun Age by Kiley Reid is about! Lately I see this book everywhere, with many love it or hate it opinions that make me even more intrigued to start reading it.
Another highly hyped book this year is Followers, the debut of Megan Angelo. I’m very interested in the effect of social media in our society and the high impact it has in our lives that even we might not be aware of yet. In fact, this is one of the topics I talk about in my next novel (Quick sneak peek here!)
I adore Chuck Palahniuk’s work. His style of writing is something I aspire to: quick, incisive, and self-deprecating. His new book, Consider This, is described as a “love letter to stories and storytellers, booksellers and books themselves.” Like, seriously, I’m salivating already.
Something She’s Not Telling Us is one of my most anticipated books for 2020 (and Cosmopolitan’s). Darcey Bell‘s previous novel, A Simple Favor is an amazing mix of chick lit and domestic noir, two of the genres I enjoy the most, and I’m positive that this new story will keep up the thrills and fun.
Fashion Jungle, written by Bestselling romance author Rachel Van Dyken and fashion icon and modelpreneur Kathy Ireland is the book everybody’s talking about right now. Its synopsis gives me all kind of Sex and the City vibes, with the promise of lots of cattiness, plot twists, and intrigues involved.
I found The New Me by Halle Butler in a list of “what to read if you miss Fleabag”, which I do. These are HIGH expectations to fulfil, but I’m very excited to start reading this novel.
I am a huge Camille Pagán fan, who writes some of the best female characters, IMO. Her next novel, This Won’t End Well, to be published at the end of this month sounds funny, intriguing, and very Pagán-ish, which is always a good thing.
The Magnificent Sons, the new novel of Justin Myers, AKA the Guyliner, is coming in Spring and it sounds as promising and yummy as his debut The Last Romeo, which I included in my gay lit hall of fame.
Which novels do you have in your to-read list for this year? Let me know in the comments section below.
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